She sat knitting her way through the day
The old lady in a town far away
All the while thinking, of moments past
A long dark shadow it cast
“Oh, the good days when you were here” she
Now alone in a home broken
She wept for her guardian angel,
Everyday from dawn to dusk
She leans her head back
And the rocking chair creaks
She remembered,
She was not senile like all believed
Oh his grace as he ran through her fields
His dark eyes
His forgiving ways
All the old woman had to do was put food in
his plate
Then the dark days came
The air was thick
The sky was black
But he stood by her side brave
As men unknown, with their pitchforks held
And torches lit, came bringing with them
their rage
He was afraid, the Old womans guardian
But he shivered not
For no matter what fate had for all that
He stood baring teeth and claw
Willing to die to protect his loved master
He saw red
Then the battle began
Man and beast, blinded by rage and love
“Alas had I been stronger” she whispers
But he asked not of it
He never asked anything of her
His loyalty never stray
In all days they had together
He questioned not anything
He was injured, his eyes showed pain
But he made no sound
His will, to protect his beloved master
Stronger than ever
As the wild men approached the tame beast
With pitchforks and torches held high
He but bellowed a howl
To the full moon glowing red in the sky
“Alas had I been courageous” she whispers
But he asked not of it
He ran ahead, knowing the odds
He feared not his fate
“Off with his head” the wild men yelled
“Please, he was protecting me” said the
woman, not so old then
But they paid no heed
To them He was a beast
Oh and the Angel fought
He braved on, the wild men began to fear
He had not a weapon, he had not a gift
He had only his spirit and his will
The woman tried but failed to make a sound
As her guardian took down half the wild men
Her love for him grew stronger every moment
“Alas, If only I could save him” she
But he asked not for it
He went forth breaking the spirit of the
wild men
Injured, though he was, bleeding
He refused to back away
Oh and he fought,
His will to protect his beloved master ever
so strong
But he grew weary
For he was not as young as he used to be
A coward among the wild men
Raised his dagger from behind
And stabbed the Angel
The Angel’s eyes wide, realizing his fate
The woman wept and wept tears of blood
The Angle limped back to his beloved master
In his final breath, all he wished for
Was her warmth
He lay spread on all fours in front of her
She, unable to move, just stared from above
He asked not for anything
His eyes, in his final moments, bright and
The woman found herself
She knelt before him and stroke his head
The Angels eyes slowly shut
Calm he seemed
The old woman fell into deep slumber
The valiant sacrifice of her beloved Angel
To this day unforgotten and grateful
She remain to her dear Wolf